
Power of his gaze. The strength of his smile.

Amidst the turmoil stands my refuge so still.
Calm as the night sky, a motionless sculpture,
The drops of his bravery trickle down his forehead
Gleaming as the sun admirably smiles over him.
And his lips curl into that bright smile which I hold so dear.
Those encouraging gaze, instils in me the strength to swallow my pain and fright.
It frees me of mortal confinements.
I run to the edge.
I plant my feet there, like I did a thousand times before.
Not this time.
I jump off the cliff.
I smell freedom in the air.
I sense freedom in my bones.
I scream freedom through my soul.
I’m aware I shall be one with the earth any moment now.
But I no longer breed fear in my heart.
Nothing I dread now.
For I’m certain he will be waiting for me below to catch me as I fall.
Gently embrace me into those powerful arms.
I shall kiss his forehead.
As the drops of his bravery trickle down his forehead
Gleaming as the sun admirably smiles over him.
And his lips curl into that bright smile which I hold so dear.
He smiles at me.
Copyright © Riot in my head