
Power of his gaze. The strength of his smile.

Amidst the turmoil stands my refuge so still.
Calm as the night sky, a motionless sculpture,
The drops of his bravery trickle down his forehead
Gleaming as the sun admirably smiles over him.
And his lips curl into that bright smile which I hold so dear.
Those encouraging gaze, instils in me the strength to swallow my pain and fright.
It frees me of mortal confinements.
I run to the edge.
I plant my feet there, like I did a thousand times before.
Not this time.
I jump off the cliff.
I smell freedom in the air.
I sense freedom in my bones.
I scream freedom through my soul.
I’m aware I shall be one with the earth any moment now.
But I no longer breed fear in my heart.
Nothing I dread now.
For I’m certain he will be waiting for me below to catch me as I fall.
Gently embrace me into those powerful arms.
I shall kiss his forehead.
As the drops of his bravery trickle down his forehead
Gleaming as the sun admirably smiles over him.
And his lips curl into that bright smile which I hold so dear.
He smiles at me.


My soul, what unrest it shelters.
Sinking deeper into a chaotic mess
Of memories
Words and
I roll over, like
Turning a page of a scary chapter
But I’m back where I first began reading.
It’s happening over and over again.
It’s swallowing me deeper and deeper
into its core.
Its grip getting tighter and tighter
as time passes by.
And I fade slowly but surely into the unknown.
You won’t understand
because you can’t see it with your eyes.
You won’t understand
because it knows you don’t have the strength to endure.
You’re just happy looking through
The chaos
The pain
The struggle
You’re just happy looking through
Aren’t you?



Touch the Starry violet sky, 

Kiss the Blue Horizon,  

On the moon lit ocean I lie, 

Draw a picture on the sand, 

Draw your picture on the sand. 

Sitting by the sea, 

Serenity my companion, 

I write your name on the shore. 

Erase it 

To only write your name with mine.

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Chinta-Mani (A "Raavan" review)

Our first assignment for TYBMM was to review any current movie, of our choice. The class unanimously settled for "Raavan" over "Robin Hood". The movie turned out to be a great class trip, thanks to our professor. This is what i think of the movie.


  •     Beera (Abhishekh Bachchan) is a local hero, but a little unlike for the cops of “lal Mathi”. He may take on the persona of Robin Hood for the tribal people around, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he is, but a criminal. This time around he has the police force in search of him, for kidnapping Raghini (Aishwarya Rai Bachchan) the beautiful wife of SP Dev Pratap Sharma (Vikram), Who believes he’s destined to capture Beera and put an end to the out-law.

The movie begins with, Raavan-esque Beera, standing atop a cliff prepared to jump into a ravine. He plunges into the river and the scene changes to that of a huge boat with Beera onboard, crashing into Raghini’s canoe, bearing reference to the seetaharan episode of the epic Ramayana, (abduction of seeta by Raavan).And just when you begin to think you’re in for a roller coaster ride, you’re welcomed by a certain hollowness; that is the first half of the movie. The cat and mouse chase goes on for what seems like eternity, giving the viewers an illusion of a film.

The second half of the movie, in comparison to the first, carries the story further, and keeps the audience seated. The scenic beauty of the set and the picturesque view of the locations, have you mesmerized. Thanks to our saviours, Santosh Sivan and Samir Chanda. They captured every minute detail and brought it forth with such vigor you cease to notice the frail plot of the movie.  One can say, the cinematography was the strength of the movie and the plot or the absence of it was its weakness.

There is always something fascinating about villains, which is why Beera’s Character comes across as seductive and peculiar. Abhishekh Bachchan however, didn’t play out his full potential. Mrs Bachchan on the other hand, didn’t surprise me; she stood upto the little that was asked of her. Looking pretty. Govinda’s role of Hanuman isn’t glorious. Priyamani performs brilliantly as Beera’s stepsister. Ravi kissen’s role is limited and his potential hasn’t been developed upon. Rahman’s “Beera” played during the opening credits stays with you, but most of his other compositions fail to make a mark. Gulzahar Sahaab’s lyrics seem reasonable with regards to his other great works.

Raavan is a good watch, for those who love to venerate and admire the beauty called – India. And that’s that.


A poem i wrote 5years ago, long long time back. found it among the old, dusty folders.
About it? - Its simple.

Emptiness is what I feel,
A hollow heart to show.
I'm running still away from you,
Somewhere I believed, I would never go.

You reckon I love you,
And you said you always did,
Then why today am I alone?

I waited for you as long as I could,
I waited till my heart was torn.


But i fathom today,
That with a smile, I'll have to let go Afterall
If it wasn't for you,
i wouldn't find the strong woman,
inside the girl.

I am strong enough to say goodbye,
with a never fading smile.

For this I know you'll miss me,
If not always,
but someday, even Just for a while.

Prodigal Daughter.

Most of us don't really like Hindi lectures is school or college, Id say I'm an exception. Because the Hindi kavita's that I've grownup reading, were almost always an inspiration.
Be it Kabir vani, or Meera's poems about Lord Krishna, Or Saint Surdas talking about the Almighty.
Always creating melody from the deepest corners of their hearts. I sure am nothing as compared to those great poets, but this piece is like a Thank you to them, for teaching me so much, about life, love, and The Almighty, its called "Prodigal daughter".
The prodigal son was taken back by his father into the family.
He rose back from the dead, said the father.
The question however is, Will a daughter ever be taken back?
Will the stains that cloud her soul ever be forgotten?

प्रोडिगल डॉटर|  

निकल घर से में चली, मोह-माया की ओर,
खींचती  मुझको  जैसे  बंधी  कोइ  डोर |

जिस  तरह  चाँद  खींचता  हे  समुन्दर  की  लहरों  को,
उसी  तरह  बंधी  हूँ, मोह -माया  से में भी  यु |

छोड़  आई  अपने  कुल  का  नाम,
उस  अनजान  मार्ग  पर,
जो  चल  पड़ी  थी  में,
सारी  लज्जा  त्याग  कर |

क्या  आ  सकुंगी  वापिस ?
कया  अपना  लोगे  आप ?
जो  दाग  लगा  हे  मुजपर   |
क्या  भूल  पाओगे  आप ?

दिलदार  नहीं  हे  दुनिया ,
नाही  उसमे  प्यार |
ना  हूँ  में  एक  बेटा ,
ना   किसी  के  कुल  का  चिराग |

में  तोह  हूँ  एक  बेटी,
भूली   भटकी , जो   अब  वापिस  हे  लोटी |
क्या  मुझको  मिल  पायेगा ,
एक  मोका ?
दूसरी  ज़िन्दगी  का  उपहार?

Take Me Away.

Come and take me away…
I don’t want to live,
I'm just going to pray,
Don’t want to see another day.
I don’t want to see another day.

Ugly me, ugly you.
The beautifully ugly,
Me and you.
Together we were
And together we were calm.
Together we Were…
And now I’m alone…
Now I’m here, not with you.
Now I’m numb.

Come and take me away…
I don’t want to live,
I’m just going to pray,
Don’t want to see another day.
I don’t want to see another day.

The sweetest of your words,
Were mean, and bad.
Were melodious and sad.
Yet their in my heart,
Like the song I love,
I have music for it.
It plays in my head…

Thus I can smile, when my heart aches…
When missing you seems, like a death in itself….
When wanting you seems, like being stabbed in the chest.
When touching you seems, like the sweetest dream.

Thus I can smile when my heart aches,
Yes I can smile,
And wish, you take me away.

Into your world,
where i can dance and sway.
Copyright © Riot in my head